Category Archives: Grandma Recipes

Bella’s Chrein

My family isn’t really close to the Jewish traditions. We don’t celebrate most of the holidays and the various Jewish customs aren’t really present in our lives. However there were always two holidays that are celebrated in a large and festive meals – Rosh HaShana and Passover Seder. For every such event my grandma prepares a very specific menu that includes chicken soup with Kneidlach (Matzah balls), Gefilte fish and Chrein, all hand made from scratch. In Passover the menu include also Charoset and rice with surprises.

If there is a dish in the world that I would never eat it is Gefilte fish… but Chrein is a different story. Every Seder I find myself drawn to this super hot and totally addictive spread and eat lots of it on top of a Matzah. You can’t compare store bough Chrein with the home made one, the taste is different but the main differentiation is the extreme and magical pungency of the home made version. The type of pungency that goes up to the forehead and down to the nose opening all your Chakras 🙂

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Chicken Soup

Inevitably, the flu season finally reached us. I always find it amazing that when you have no appetite whatsoever and all you do is lay dead on the couch nurturing a huge pile of used tissues, the only food you can actually eat is the Jewish grandma secret medicine – a.k.a chicken soup. I got this recipe from my partner’s mother, after he once got sick and miserable and asked for a chicken soup “just like his mother’s”.

This is a very basic recipe without any special additions. Handling a whole chicken might be a challenging experience to some (even if you’re not a vegetarian/vegan) but once you pass this obstacle there is hardly any work left.

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Bella’s Cornflakes Cookies

You’ll always find cookies in Grandma Bella’s kitchen. Three large and decorated glass jars are proudly placed at the kitchen entrance filled with fresh home made cookies. This recipe is for one of my favorite cookies which always bring me back to my childhood. My grandma got the recipe from Mella, the eldest sister of my grandpa (8th out of 9 children)/ Those cookies were probably invented back in the beginning of the 20th century somewhere in South Africa.

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Cecily’s spice cake

As the first post in the grandma’s recipes category of this blog I had no choice but choosing the legendary spice cake, a recipe my grandma got from her fried Cecily. I first encountered this cake when my parents visited me during my university days. Immediately this cake became a great success, my roommate got addicted to it and everyone always ask me for a recipe. Since then I prepared it dozens of times. Something about the spice mix, the nutty and buttery topping, quick preparation and simple ingredients just make this recipe the number one cake recipe you always come back to.

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